GDP reflect the total activities of economy, so it does not reflect the essence of economy but reflect the bubble of the economy.
The essence of the economy is the basic material value conversion process that converts real value into use value to support human survival.
It is a natural process locked microeconomic competition driven macroeconomic conditions deterioration process that will cancel out the individual efforts and finally extinct all human on this planet.
More explanation:
Economic growth used to play a positive role in human social development in history but when it developed to the present stage (refer to the world long term economic growth diagram which is an ascending hyperbola line so far), it should be rationally controlled to the minimal to serve the human future but not let loose for ever more individual present material gain.
Because it is an unsustainable process and the natural process brings destructive effect on manmade system and its natural supporting systems that will finally extinct human kind.
All efforts to accelerate economy are making the final result come sooner for no real meaningful purpose.
What is meaningful purpose?
For instances: connecting the present process into a higher process to get into far future, to get human kind into perpetual future, is meaningful purpose. But to enjoy the moment, for individual freedom to chase personal interest, for enjoy the process regardless of the end… are not real meaningful purpose.
The technology advancement driven by the economic competition is not the qualitative level and functionality nature that can save human from extinction.
Actually, no scientific and technological advancement can save human kind on this planet but the long term evolution in thinking and biological information, due to the intrinsic pace of the evolution is controlled by the thermodynamic process.
Economic growth is irreversibly consuming the material base that supporting this evolution time while the by-product of this economic growth --- technology advancement cannot save human future, so economy should be rationally controlled to the minimal to give way to and serve for the evolution time span nature allowed.
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